Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Seven random bits on a Wednesday in February

1. There's a Eugene (Debs) Porter from Chicago's Revolution Brewery at my left hand, a Hershey's Chocolate with Almonds, King-Size, that I've been saving for weeks, at my right hand. This is how I'm closing out Wednesday. The Hershey's is nothing but a wrapper by now.

2. I've posted two "What made me smile today" posts on Facebook recently, thinking perhaps this could be a continuing series. But alas, the ironies and fantasies that made me smile today cannot shared on Facebook.

3. Knit these socks for three reasons:

1) to give to my son who likes hand knit socks; 2) to keep on using up yarn, so that soon I can buy more, and 3) to keep me awake while I read a long book: "Fatal Discord" about Erasmus and Luther and the Reformation. The socks are finished, the book is not. Having yarn and needles in hand made it a lot easier to get through the Peasants War, a part of Reformation history not taught in Lutheran grade schools (for good reason).

4. Erasmus seems to be coming out ahead in "Fatal Discord." Snippish, occasionally deceptive, even passive aggressive, but less exhausting than the constant churn of Martin Luther, his Anfechtung and his insistence that Christ came with a sword.

5. The sun was out today, thank the Lord. Snow and ice and frozen slush underfoot still impose on freedom to move about. But when I drove to work this morning, the front of the church building, its flat surface facing east, was coated with a thin glaze of ice, glinting in the morning sunshine. What ever does this mean?

6. Not much, I say. Because the best moments of the day were not about sun, ice, beautiful images, wool, or books. They were about people. (Too bad about not being able to share those smiles, she said quizzically.)

7.  I wore four hand-knit items today: a wool sweater, wool socks, wool scarf, and my Yak Hat, knit from gorgeously soft yak fiber. It took all of that to stay warm. Time to cast on for another project.

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